Can You Rent a Stair Lift?

Home Stair Lift Rentals Near Me

You’re thinking about having a stair lift installed, but after some research, are wondering if it might be better to rent one? Maybe you’re looking for a short-term fix, or recovering from illness or an operation and expect to be back to your old self again soon.

Solutions for Inexpensive Stair Lifts

A stair lift rental plan means you get all the mobility access benefits of an accessible stair lift system, without having to make the full purchase upfront. After your initial stair lift consultation, you’ll have the option to rent a stairlift for the amount of time you require. Your initial payment covers home stair lift installation, removal and any service needed during your specified stair lift rental period.

While many of our stores provide affordable stair lift rentals, keep in mind that not all staircases are the same. This is particularly true with curved staircases, which can include landings and multiple floors. These more complex designs require more customized units, which often can’t be re-purposed between homes without modification.

Every home is unique, so your stair lift installation requirements will be as well! We don’t provide cookie cutter solutions. Instead, we offer a wide variety of features, options and styles, so your personal needs are met and that each home stair lift system fits snugly and compactly on your staircase so it doesn’t disrupt your other family members’ normal use of the stairs.

Also keep in mind that although you may feel fit enough to tackle the stairs, if you add a load of laundry or need to carry things like groceries up those stairs, the process can still become challenging when you cannot use the railing for stability. It may be necessary to keep a stair lift for longer than you might think. If you continue to rent a stair lift for a long period of time, it’s worth considering the stair lift rental cost might actually add up to more than the full price of a stair lift.

Stair Lift Financial Assistance

If cost is the primary factor for considering stair lift rentals, we can help you navigate an abundance of funding solutions to make the financial impact easier. Each province has different financial assistance for stair lift systems and each of our stores across Canada are familiar with a variety of solutions to help ease the financial burden.

We can provide you with a tailor-made accessible stair lift solution to give you access to your whole home once again. A certified stair lift technician will visit your home to assess your staircase. We'll take photos, obtain precise measurements, and then together, we'll identify your stair lift requirements and help you design a stair lift that’s perfect for you and your family, ensuring you have the options to deal with any perceived fit challenges and that the colours match your décor.

We’d love to discuss a temporary stair lift rental solution or help you discover the ways you can have your very own custom stair lift solution in your home. Fill out the form below and we’ll connect you to a store near you who can assist you… or if you still want to know more, find out more about the different kinds of stair lifts available.


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