The Heart of Your Scooter – The Mobility Scooter Battery

When we think of mobility scooters, we think of their ability to increase independence for those who need them to get around. No scooter, however, can perform to their full potential without a top-quality battery installed. In fact, choosing the right battery for your scooter can enhance performance and safety, simplify charging and maintenance, and in the long-run, save you time, money and peace of mind.

How Long Does a Mobility Scooter Battery Last?

A mobility scooter battery, with proper care and maintenance, typically lasts as long as 5 years. A scooter battery is, for the most part, maintenance-free. Even so, it’s important to properly care for your mobility scooter battery.

Keep your battery clean, protected, and never overcharge it. Avoid taking your scooter out in heavy rain or extreme temperatures. If you prioritize the health of your battery, you can ensure your mobility scooter will take you where you need to go for a reasonable duration at a good speed.

How Many Hours Does a Mobility Scooter Battery Last? Mobility Scooter Range.

Mobility scooters can go a variety of distances. They usually fall into three different categories: short, medium, and long.

  • Short-range mobility scooter: starting with a full battery expect to travel about 15km

  • Mid-range mobility scooter: around 40km on a single charge

  • Long-range mobility scooter: the furthest distances covered… as far as 65km

Keep in mind that the harder the mobility scooter battery has to work, the less distance your scooter will cover. More difficult terrain, battery health, combined scooter and rider weight, and weather conditions all play a factor in your mobility scooter battery range.

Are All Mobility Scooter Batteries the Same?

Batteries come in all different shapes and sizes and you can get a mobility scooter 12v battery or sometimes your scooter requires a pair of batteries for a 24v mobility scooter battery system. There are also different types of batteries, our locations across Canada provide MK Batteries by East Penn Canada, for a mobility scooter battery with quality you can depend on.

Where Can I Find Mobility Scooter Battery Suppliers Near Me?


Mobility scooter batteries, in sizes to perfectly fit your scooter are available in our stores across Canada. Contact us and we’ll connect you to a store near you that can help you find the perfect one to provide years of worry-free mobility scooter adventures.