Can You Travel with an Electric Scooter?

A light weight travel scooter will make your next trip a whole lot easier. You can choose a folding travel scooter or one that easily disassembles into smaller pieces so you can much more easily lift them to stow away.

When you travel, the last thing you want to worry about is, “Will my electric travel scooter last the trip?”  The travel scooters we carry have been built with quality materials and have been tested and proven by trusted manufacturers for safety and durability. Our trained technicians in each of our stores across Canada will assemble and adjust your portable travel scooter to fit perfectly and work the way it should, not just drop it at your door in pieces for you to figure out.

We’ll Help You Choose the Best All-Terrain Mobility Scooter for You!

Please fill out the contact form and we’ll connect you with one of our stores across Canada that will be happy to understand your travel requirements and mobility challenges. We’ll help you choose the best travel scooter to meet your specific needs and open up a world of possibilities on your next trip.

See below for some examples of the light weight travel scooters you’ll find in our stores.